The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment performed an evaluation of the Town of Paonia’s raw water supplies from multiple groundwater sources and notified the Town that four (4) of the groundwater supplies to the Lamborn Mesa water treatment plant are under the direct influence of surface water.
Reclassification of the Lamborn Mesa water treatment plant required upgrades to the filtration system, similar to improvements previously implemented at the lower Clock water treatment Plant.
WestWater Engineering assisted the Town by negotiating an extended timeline to implement improvements to develop a Preliminary Engineering Report that was necessary for long-range planning and funding applications.
The upper water treatment plant improvement project consisted of procurement of a new membrane filtration water treatment system and a building addition for the new filtration equipment including conversion from gaseous chlorine disinfection to liquid hypochlorite, process piping throughout the new and existing treatment plant building, incremental decommissioning of former unit treatment processes, and site utility upgrades.