Wastewater Engineering designed and implemented major improvements to the Town of New Castle’s water system that included replacement of the existing raw water pipeline and expansion of the water treatment plant to a capacity of 1.0 mgd.
A unique feature of the water treatment plant design included placing the water treatment plant over an existing buried concrete tank. The concrete tank was renovated incorporating a unique piping system and is now utilized as a clearwell for the water plant operation.
Prior to being contracted by the Town of New Castle, the Town had already had an .08 mgd water treatment plant designed by another consulting engineering firm at an estimated cost of $650,000. Because of this relatively high cost, WestWater Engineering completely resigned the treatment plant, and through the use of several innovative techniques reduced the cost to a bid contract of $360,000.
The major cost savings involved the utilization of the existing concrete tank by constructing a structural concrete slab over the tank.