Following Mesa County’s completion of a 201 Wastewater Management Plan for the Mesa/Powderhorn area, WestWater Engineering assisted the Powderhorn Metro District with first stage implementation of the selected management plan, which generally maintained Powderhorn and the Town of Mesa as separate wastewater service areas and treatment agencies.
The project consisted of finalizing the management plan for Powderhorn, including verification and modification to the 20-year design hydraulic and organic loadings, re-assessment of PEL’s for the new site and design flow, relocation of the preferred treatment plant site downhill to optimize the gravity flow service area, re-evaluation of treatment technologies to meet proposed PEL’s, follow-up contacts with environmental agencies regarding potential impacts of the modified project, assessment of access and utility service to the selected treatment plant site, and an update of the capital cost, 20-year present value, financial assessment and implementation schedule.
The culmination of the 201 Plan update included preparation and submittal of the Site Application to CDPHE prior to final design. The Site Application is subject to CDPHE approval pending finalization of project funding.